49 They said, that is, some said to others, 'Swear to one another by Allahu ta’ālā that we will attack him by night (la-nubayyitannahu; or [read] la-tubayyitunnahu, 'that you will attack him by night') together with his folk, that is, those who believed in him, in other words, [swear] that we will kill them at night; then we will surely say (la-naqūlanna; or [read] la-taqūlunna, 'you surely will say') to his heir, the avenger of his blood, that we did not witness, we were not present at, the destruction of his folk (read muhlika or mahlika, meaning 'the destroying of them' or 'their death' [respectively]),3 and so we do not know who killed them, and [that] indeed we are being truthful'. |
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