6 Verily there is for you, O community of Muhammad "sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam" (laqad kāna lakum is the response to an implied oath) in them a good example, for those [of you] who (li-man kāna is an inclusive substitution for -kum [of lakum, 'for you'] with the same preposition [li-] repeated) anticipate Allahu ta’ālā and al-yawm al-ākher (the Last Day), that is, [for those] who fear these two, or who expect reward or punishment. And whoever turns away, by befriending the disbelievers, [should know that] Allahu ta’ālā is the Independent, [without need] of His creatures, the Worthy of Praise, to those who obey Him. |
﴾ 6 ﴿