And, mention, when Moses said to his people, 'O my people, why do you harm me - [for] they had said that he had a hernia in his testicles, which he did not have, and they denied him - when certainly (qad is for confirmation) you know that I am the Messenger (rasūl) of Allahu ta’ālā to you?' (annī rasūlu'llāhi ilaykum: this sentence is a circumstantial qualifier) and [when you know that] messengers (rusul) ought to be respected. So when they deviated, when they swerved away from the truth by harming him, Allahu ta’ālā caused their hearts to deviate: He turned them away from guidance, in accordance to what He had preordained since pre-eternity, and Allahu ta’ālā does not guide the immoral folk, those who, in His knowledge, are disbelievers.

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